Monday, May 25, 2020
The Key to Solving The American Organ Allocation Essay
Justin, a South Carolina college student, died at the age of 23 while on the waiting list for a lung transplant. When Justin was three months old he was diagnosed with cystic fibrosis, a disease which affects the lungs. Throughout his childhood he coped with his illness but at the age of 20 his health took a turn for the worst. Justin was on the waiting list for two years but no lungs came available in time. Organ allocation in the United States of America has become a heavily debated subject in the medical field as well as the political and ethical fields. There is no doubt that there is a shortage of organs in the United States. In order to increase organ supply the American Department of Health should integrate the effective allocation†¦show more content†¦If not the family and relatives of the deceased needs to give consent. Every day in the United States twelve people die while waiting for an organ transplant list. Even if someone receives an organ transplant there is no guarantee that it will function properly or if the recipient will survive. If an organ is given to the person at the top of the list who has been on the list the longest that person is most likely to be the sickest, weakest and generally older than others on the list. When they receive the organ there is no guarantee that they will survive which would be a waste of a good organ. Hearts are an example of an organ that needs to be given to the right patient in order for the transplantation to be a success. Generally if a person receives a heart transplant before the age of 55 have a higher potential rate of living ten years after the operation then those 55 and older. A surgical resident at The Johns Hopkins Hospital and the leader of the study published in The Annals of Thoracic Surgery stated â€Å"There are 2,000 to 2,500 heart transplants a year in the U.S. and many people die waiting. We have to be very smart about how to allocate scarce organs, and our research suggests we can predict which patients will live longer with a new heart.†In order to have a higher success rate of long term successful transplants organs should no be given to the person on the top of theShow MoreRelatedThe United States Healthcare System1752 Words  | 8 Pagesin accessing the right primary care physician at the right time. Moreover, maldistribution of physicians onl y exacerbates the problem, especially for those residing in health professional shortage areas (HPSA).15 Approximately, sixty-five million Americans live in designated primary care shortage areas.13 Such underserved population faces higher disease and death rates and health disparities that then result in higher rates of hospitalizations and emergency department visitsâ€â€in other words, expensiveRead MoreDarden Consulting Case Book25163 Words  | 101 PagesCONTENTS 1. The Consulting Case Interview 1. 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Friday, May 15, 2020
The Legend Of Neil Armstrong - 915 Words
Mr. Griffin English IV December 6, 2014 The Legend of Neil Armstrong There is no doubt that Neil Armstrong changed the world forever. He was the first astronaut to set foot on the moon. He also made a huge impact on the studies we conduct today in space. His expertise, attitude, and profound statement on humanity all reveal how this legendary man changed the world. Armstrong’s expertise was made possible by his aviation career. His flight interest began at an age earlier than most. At age fourteen, he was working towards getting his pilot s license (Fleming 1). This early fascination lead to a career of flying that would take him on many adventures. At age eighteen, he joined the air force academy, where he flew nearly 80 combat missions. After his time was served, he started flying test planes for the air force. He was beginning to be aware of any air vehicles limits, as he had some very close calls with crashes. In 1962, he flew the experimental X-15 plane, which was basically a missile that could be piloted. He was then offered a part in another project from an experimental space program called NASA. He was very adept at learning new flight systems by this point. For the first time in history, he docked with another orbiting body in a vehicle called the Gemini 8 (Fleming 1). It started to tumble uncontrollably, but Armstron g kept his cool, and detached from the spacecraft narrowly avoiding catastrophe. It was later he was offered the biggest mission of hisShow MoreRelatedEssay On The Space Race707 Words  | 3 Pagespowers in the Eastern Bloc and powers in the Western Bloc.†( staff, 2010) and lasted from 1945-1990. In this essay, I will be writing about one event of the Cold War- the Space Race: first person in space, first person on the moon, and Neil Armstrong. One of the first events during the Space Race, was the first person to go to space. The Soviets won this part of the race. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Essay on Jay Gatsby A Tragic Hero - 1084 Words
Tragedy, then, is a process of imitating an action which has serious implications, is complete, and possesses magnitude; by means of language which has been made sensuously attractive, with each of its varieties found separately in the parts; enacted by the persons themselves and not presented through narrative; through a course of pity and fear completing the purification (catharsis) of such emotions. (Aristotle) The â€Å"tragic hero†is an indefatigable staple in all mediums of literature. Although the term’s defining characteristics have morphed since its initial inception by Aristotle those many millennia ago, the main idea has endured. To be a tragic hero, several requirements must be met. The formula begins with a character that†¦show more content†¦And this feeling does not dissipate, but in fact is reinforced immediately. No more than two pages into the novel is Gatsby described by Nick in a way that would make any sinner seem saintly, with the grand compliment of, â€Å"If personality is an unbroken series of successful gestures, then there was something gorgeous about him...†(2). Sincerity and a true genuineness of character: these are valued immensely in society, a fact not lost on Fitzgerald. By immediately establishing Gatsby’s admirable qualities, he firmly plants the roots that provide a perfect framework for the perfect tragic hero. Howev er, this is not to say that Jay Gatsby should be a revered literary figure. Throughout the course of the book he repeatedly does not live up to the standards set for him both by the title, and by that initial summary from Nick. Simply put, he is a realistically imperfect human on a level akin to that of many other characters in the novel. Along with his admirable qualities exists the â€Å"tragic flaw†that defines him as a tragic hero. Gatsby is a disillusioned man, who is unable to separate the real from the ideal. After initially being rejected by Daisy because of his less than favorable economic status, he pitifullyShow MoreRelatedEssay Jay Gatsby: The Tragic Hero in The Great Gatsby1332 Words  | 6 PagesAristotle, a tragic hero character can be defined to be of noble status, but not necessarily virtuous. There is some aspect of his personality that he has in great abundance but it is this that becomes his tragic flaw and leads to his ultimate demise. However, his tr agic ending should not simply sadden the reader, but teach him or her a life lesson. In The Great Gatsby, by F. Scott Fitzgerald, Jay Gatsby is the tragic hero who portrays the corruption of the American dream through his tragic flaw. HisRead More Jay Gatsby as Tragic Hero of Fitzgeralds The Great Gatsby Essay974 Words  | 4 PagesJay Gatsby as Tragic Hero of Fitzgeralds The Great Gatsby According to Aristotle, there are a number of characteristics that identify a tragic hero: he must cause his own downfall; his fate is not deserved, and his punishment exceeds the crime; he also must be of noble stature and have greatness. These are all characteristics of Jay Gatsby, the main character of Fitzgeralds novel, The Great Gatsby.  Jay Gatsby is a tragic hero according to Aristotles definition.  Jay Gatsby is an enormouslyRead MoreTo What Extent Can Gatsby Be Considered a Tragic Hero?1014 Words  | 5 Pagescan Gatsby be considered a tragic hero? Before we can judge if Jay Gatsby is a tragic hero, we should look at the exact deï ¬ nition of a tragic hero. According to the classic deï ¬ nition, a tragic hero is a  «great or virtuous character in a dramatic tragedy who is destined for downfall, suffering, or defeat »1, and Oedipus, from the Greek Legends, is deï ¬ ned as the classic tragic hero. So, is Gatsby then a classic tragic hero, by deï ¬ nition? ! Even if the book itself is called  «Great Gatsby », isRead MoreTo What Extent Can Gatsby Be Considered a Tragic Hero?1023 Words  | 5 Pagesextent can Gatsby be considered a tragic hero? Before we can judge if Jay Gatsby is a tragic hero, we should look at the exact deï ¬ nition of a tragic hero. According to the classic deï ¬ nition, a tragic hero is a  «great or virtuous character in a dramatic tragedy who is destined for downfall, suffering, or defeat »1, and Oedipus, from the Greek Legends, is deï ¬ ned as the classic tragic hero. So, is Gatsby then a classic tragic hero, by deï ¬ nition? ! Even if the book itself is called  «Great Gatsby », is JayRead More Fitzgeralds The Great Gatsby and the Tragic Hero Essay977 Words  | 4 PagesThe Great Gatsby and the Tragic Hero     Aristotle invented a list of criteria in an attempt to determine the exact definition of a tragic hero. The list states the following - the tragic hero must cause his own down fall; the tragic heros fate is undeserved; the tragic heros punishment exceeds his crime; the tragic hero must be a great and noble person according to the standards of the current society. In Fitzgeralds The Great Gatsby, Jay Gatsby can be defined as a tragic hero who possessesRead MoreThe Secret Life Of Jay Gatsby1632 Words  | 7 PagesThe Secret Life of Jay Gatsby The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald is meticulously written to portray characters as soul sucking, money thriving, moral lacking individuals who are thrashed by his language, and scrupulous descriptions. Gatsby is depicted as a suave, cordial, and prosperous gentleman who is trying to raise himself in the ranks of riches, and approval. At first glance, it is hard to tell if there is a clear hero, or someone with qualities thereof; at least in the traditional senseRead MoreThe American Dream in The Great Gatsby by Fitzgerald Essay1065 Words  | 5 PagesThe American Dream in The Great Gatsby by Fitzgerald The American Dream is the fantasy of complete independence and self-reliance mixed with the opportunity to attain wealth through ones labours. On the surface, this dream seems almost enchanted, offering people the unique prospect of achieving success regardless of ones race, religion or family history. The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald is an immortal illustration of the American Dream. Fitzgerald analysesRead MoreEssay Outline Introduction: ANT A=Attention Getter: N=Necessary Information: In â€Å"The Great700 Words  | 3 PagesGetter: N=Necessary Information: In â€Å"The Great Gatsby,†by F. Scott Fitzgerald, Nick Carroway, the narrator, has recently moved from the midwest to start his career in New York. He lives on the island of West Egg, next door to a mysterious man named Jay Gatsby. Nick becomes friends with him and learns that Gatsby is in love with his cousin Daisy. They never married because Gatsby had to go off into the military and he was not rich enough for her, so when Gatsby was shipped overseas, Daisy married anotherRead MoreF. Scott Fitzgeralds Personl Influences on The Great Gatsby1762 Words  | 7 Pages â€Å"Let us learn to show our friendship for a man when he is alive and not after he is dead.†(Fitzgerald, 1925). The Great Gatsby is a novel written by F. Scott Fitzgerald, published in 1925, and takes place in 1922. The novel greatly exemplifies the time period that it takes place in, known as â€Å"The Roaring Twenties†or â€Å"The Jazz Age†. One way of exemplification is prohibition and the Volstead Act. According to David J. Hanson from, the Volstead Act, which took place in 1919, establishedRead MoreEssay about F. Scott Fitzgeralds The Great Gatsby1480 Words  | 6 PagesF. Scott Fitzgeralds The Great Gatsby Any American is taught a dream that is purged of all truth. The American Dream is shown to the world as a belief that anyone can do anything; when in reality, life is filled with impossible boundaries. In the novel, The Great Gatsby, F. Scott Fitzgerald gives us a glimpse into the life of the upper class during the roaring twenties through the eyes of a moralistic young man named Nick Carraway. It is through the narrators dealings with the upper class that
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Analysis of Steve Jobs leadership
Questions: 1.Demonstrates how a range of leadership theories, approaches and perspectives apply to the leadership style of Steve Jobs? 2.Include an evaluation of Steve Jobs leadership style during his time at Apple in the context of the contemporary leadership? Answers: 1.Comparison between Steve Jobs and Tim Cook It can be said that both of these individuals thatisJobs and Cook had been facing the pressure at work and they have spent lots of years workingtowardsthe perfection and abilityto movethe people out of the business who were not performing well. When Jobswasthe CEO, the clients were in a beneficial positionbecause hehad an ability to get the best out of the employeesand provide with the most excellent quality of goodshowever itwasn't easy to work with Jobs (McInerney, 2017). There have been different leadership traits shown by both the leaders thatareJobs and Cook. These two leaders have been focussing on their own ideologiesfor locationof course, strategies of marketing and client contentment. The different leadership styles have been followed and these have been discussed underneath with comparison among both ofthem innovationof product: there was a strategy of producing "insanely good items "atApple,when Jobs was in the position. He would make best of his efforts tocreate anyitem. In case any worker would be on vacation on leave, he would want him to work overnight to carry out the required transformations (Proctor, Bicknell, 2012). This way he was not considerate about the psychological harm to the workers. Therefore he treated the human resources just as stalls for making great items or services for the customers all over the world. Rather, Tim Cookgives properattention to each and every aspectinthe business. Herealiseswhat the workers want and also focuses on the social responsibility my betterment of the work environment. This change in leadership has led to a high impact on the innovation met thirds of Apple. The leadership of Steve Jobs created rebels however thing who has a gentlestrategy whichmakes the business to be conventional in approach. As for different studies by the professionals of the industry, during the leadership of Cook, Apple had started to update thecurrent lineof course rather than bringing any revolution totablesuch as iPad,iPhoneand iPods. As for the employees of Apple, Steve Jobs had been a CEO off the warfare. He came back to Apple when the business was suffering and so he was extraordinary confident and his aggressive nature brought Apple back to the market. At that point of time digression was appreciated however after gaining the reputation of global leader in communication technology, he was advised that this aggression had to be controlled somehow. However Cook seems to be very come in nature and he is not aggressive therefore the business has taken a gentle turn (Steinwart, Ziegler, 2014). As per book, Steve was focused to words the development of innovative ports in excellent products however he ignored the interest of his workforce and considers them only as ways of fulfilling the goals of the company. However Cook has been focusing on all the aspects of the business. Prior to Cook, there was a complicated financial and operating of situation. Even though Jobs had been providing with an example of visionary leadership by providing with innovative designs, still there was a compromise on the Quality side. There were also issues because of rising costs and bad accessibility of the items. Apple had been a constant player in the market but by Cook taking over the organization, there was a revolution. He turned out to be a change agent for the policies of competitiveness and marketing. He was experienced at IBM where he had gained knowledge of supply change management. Therefore Cook brought in huge amendments in designing, reducing, marketing strategies of Apple. His leadership style is based on the theory that there is simple way out is for every complicated issue. For working towards this theory, he initiated huge marketing campaigns, expense saving strategies and engineering tasks. Even though Cook has shown that he has been talented to Control Apple as a company still there or various things which he lacks, in comparison to Jobs. Jobs had a real charismatic power. His charismatic leadership, brilliance was recognised for his capacity to make the workforce cry. He could get work done from people at any point of time. Cook also has brilliance and can also manage people well. There is one common characteristic of both the leaders which is competitiveness. 2.Analysis of Steve Jobs leadership approch regarding the contemporary leadership Steve Jobs have been a transformational leader because he laid his goals himself and performed extraordinarily to attain those. Steve Jobs had been an exceptional leader and is thought out to be a leading figure in the two industries that is computer industry and entertainment industry. He had made a huge effect on the contemporary community by his involvement, achievements that he got in the industry. He had a tough style of managing. The major challenges which are usually faced by the global leaders have been categorised into six types. Both these leaders anyhow face these challenges consistently. These are: Building managerial efficiency, motivating and inspiring other people, development of staff members, Leading the team, initiating and managing change, dealing with internal stakeholders and business politics. The Contemporary leaders have to lead and motivate a diversify team of individuals, performed across the business boundaries, and hence the affectedness and also focus on the development. Externally also they experience a complicated and globalised situation and therefore they have to deal with the needs of the government for competitors and stakeholders. In this contemporary world, there are various cultures in ward there for the leaders have to be Aware of them, in order to be successful. They have to work beyond the cultural boundaries and also with people who are not like them and differ in terms of getting work completed. The major challenges faced by contemporary leaders have been segregated into six common heads. The leaders face challenge of developing the required capabilities like management of time, privatising, decision making, and strategy making and also matching the pace of the work. These leaders have to motivate other people also so that they are contented with their job roles. In case of Steve Jobs, the implies had been considered as weird tools for carrying out the job however the contemporary leaders need to know the art of motivating people to work in the smarter way. The leaders need to build a team, develop 13 and manage it by instilling of pride in it and supporting it. The leaders also need to aware of the ways of managing a huge team and also about the ways of taking over a fresh team. Change management is also a great issue which has to be handled very carefully by the leaders. There are various employees who resist change and a successful leader is one who can overcome such resi stance and deal with the workers in an efficient manner. The leaders have to deal with the relationship management and image building of the business. Not like Steve Jobs, rather like Tim Cook, the leaders have gained the managerial support and also to get by in from different divisions, teens and people. Since Apple is a huge company therefore the workload is highly challenging and there are many unique innovative and critical projects carried out with handful of resources in the team ("Steve Jobs vs Tim Cook: Who is Better As a CEO of Apple?", 2017). Therefore the leaders have to juggle the priorities at the forefront. The biggest challenge faced by contemporary leaders like Tim Cook is that the global business environment ensures that the businesses will always be facing dramatic changes beyond their control. Conclusion and Recommendations It is very clear that the contemporary leaders face more complications all over the globe. Even though Steve Jobs was not appreciated by many however being a visionary, lots of people also find his leadership style to be attractive. Tim Coke can be termed as an ideal leader for Apple if the contemporary issues and gentler work approaches are to be kept in mind. Steve Jobs was anyhow one of the big giant off the computer business. His leadership style has been compared to many however the new challenge for Tim Cook is to move out of the shadow of Jobs. One more leadership skills of Jobs forced to cough being patient. He did not rush anything and required more time in preparing what he did. He had been totally focused on the products to be provided and to Swiss francs ability end to end. At the foreign Jobs and is tiny thing created a design for the latest Macintosh, in the beginning of 80s, he wanted to create an insanely great product (Hardy, 2017). He was not focused to words maximi sation of profits or trade of among the expenses. He wanted no compromises and wanted to deliver the best product which would bring revolution in the computer industry. Theory of Jobs was to focus on creating great items and does the profits followed on their own. Similarly John Sculley who also managed Apple from 1983 to 1993 had been focused more two words the maximising revenues rather than designs. This theory of Scully led to a gradual decline in the business of Apple. Concluding the same, Jobs had put everything into the business be it his personality, stress, weaknesses and his way of lading. He had been a task oriented leader and was always focused to words his job and business performance, ignoring what public, Staff members all individuals felt about him and his ways of lading. He was an unconventional leader and had a confidence on his own style of managing ("5 Surprising Insights About Steve Jobss Management Style", 2017). He had a belief in whatever he did. His demand of excellence from the workers led to great criticism for him. He had an ability to make people follow him even if they did not want to audit not preferable. He was a great Resource to Apple because of his unconventional mail fleeting. He believed in Duckers theory of old-fashioned way of leadership. He did not take leadership like a rule or responsibility rather he took it as a position or ranking therefore he treated other implies as mere resources for attaining the busines s goals. It is recommended that the new styles are applied and not just the style of Steve is followed, rather a mix of styles of Jobs and Cook is beneficial. References 5 Surprising Insights About Steve Jobss Management Style. (2017). Fast Company. Retrieved 20 April 2017, from Hardy, E. (2017). With Steve Jobs Passing, Apple Looks to New Leadership. Retrieved 20 April 2017, from McInerney, S. (2017). Steve Jobs: an unconventional leader. Executive Style. Retrieved 20 April 2017, from Poomath, J. (2014). Book Review: Yukari Iwatani Kane, Haunted Empire: Apple after Steve Jobs. Paradigm, 18(2), 239-241. Proctor, N., Bicknell, T. (2012). Apple After Steve Jobs, Re: Museums. Curator: The Museum Journal, 55(4), 479-485. Steinwart, M., Ziegler, J. (2014). Remembering Apple CEO Steve Jobs as a Transformational Leader. Journal Of Leadership Education, 13(2), 52-66. Steve Jobs vs Tim Cook: Who is Better As a CEO of Apple?. (2017). Retrieved 20 April 2017, from
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